Shipping & Delivery Policy

At, every order is a special, so that customer truly enjoys the taste of our products. So, to make this possible we try our best to send your order via fastest & best logistics in India and in amazing & safe packing.

  • Shipping Policy:

Usually, we ship orders within 24 – 48 hours from the time order was placed, except Sunday & Public Holiday. Once the order is shipped you the customer will get an email notification with the tracking details. You can track all orders live from the link provided in the email.

Post Dispatch, deliveries are done across India within 3 – 10 Working Days & please note deliveries are always subject to unforeseen circumstances like traffic, weather conditions and something out of human control! Also, the time depends on the shipping partner as well. We shall keep you posted during such events. 

  • Shipping Charges:

All prices are inclusive of GST & shipping as of now. This shipping charges policy may change at the discretion of the firm without prior notice. In the case where the shipping cost is applicable, it shall be shown at the time of checkout and consumers will know about this before making payments.

  • Packaging & Handling Charges:

There is no extra packaging charges being taken from the customers. It is borne by the firm.

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